
Pea microgreens are rich in carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin, which play a crucial role in safeguarding the eyes against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts by shielding them from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Additionally, pea shoots provide approximately 15% of the daily recommended value (DV) of vitamin A, which is approximately four times more than what you'd find in tomatoes.

Peagreen Product
Peagreen Packed near me

Nutrient data (100g all stages) ++

Energy (kj)   171 kJ
Protein 3.33 g  
Calcium 19 mg
Iron 1.05 mg
Magnesium 19 mg
Phosphorus 52 mg
Potassium 121 mg
Sodium 4 mg
Beta carotene 124 µg
Alpha carotene  11 µg
Vitamin B-6 0.034 mg
Thiamin 0.062 mg
Vitamin K 15.5 µg

++ Source : Nutrient Data published by Health Canada. Click here to see the full list of nutrients.

Great for Salads, Sandwiches, Soups, Wraps, Juices, Smoothies or on its own.

It's not the food in your life, Its the life in your food!